The Federated Garden Clubs of Maryland, Inc. was founded in 1926 and incorporated in 1950. In the early part of the last century the Federated Garden Clubs of Maryland, Inc. (FGCMD) was one of the first states to form a Federation as part of the garden club movement. In 1929 Maryland was one of sixteen charter states that organized into what is now the National Garden Clubs, Inc.
Throughout its history the FGCMD has played an important role in keeping Maryland roadsides clear of billboards,
preserving and placing Blue Star Memorial markers on highways in honor of military service personnel. Maryland's first Gold Star Memorial was recently placed at the Veteran's Cemetary in Hurlock, MD. Other projects include partnering with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation in plantings to protect critical watershed areas.
click here for Blue Star Memorial History
Hammomd Harwood House, Annapolis, MD
Gold Star Memorial, Hurlock, MD
The Federation continues to support the preservation of historic properties such as Hammond-Harwood House in Annapolis, Historic Hampton in Baltimore County and the Rawlings Conservatory in Baltimore.